In no way is this an exhaustive list, but this is a list of scholarly references that we have compiled on the utilization of gaming in education and community organizations/programs. Reference links are to our article post of it which may contain a video summary as we publish them on the Tabletop Alliance YouTube page. Make sure to click subscribe so you get all the latest video content!

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  • Enter the words you would like to search for across all the articles we have collected
  • Select “Scholarly Articles” in the Category drop down for all articles
  • Select your desired tag which are pulled from the article’s keywords as well as our analysis of them.

Articles are presented in no in no particular order, we will be publishing a sortable table by year, publication, type, author, and more as we do a systematic review of all of them. If you have any articles that you would recommend please email

Please note that by clicking search you will be taken to a new page that solely displays those search results. Simply hit the back button to return to this page.

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