In-Kind Sponsorship

If you are interested in being an in-kind sponsor of materials and/or equipment to further the nonprofit purposes of Tabletop Alliance we ask that you please reach out so that we can discuss opportunities using the form below.

Ideally, for In-kind Sponsorships we are presently looking for:

  • Long-term supplying of games and accessories to provide in the game kits we provide for FREE to educators, librarians, and community leaders across the US!
  • Long-term logistics and shipping support

Interested in sponsoring Tabletop Alliance, please reach out using the form below or by emailing us at We cannot wait to talk with you. If possible please include your phone number in your message.

Financial Sponsorship

As a our primary purpose is the education and development of education leaders and community organizers with the knowledge, skills, abilities, and awareness to utilize games to advance their outcomes, sponsoring our educational sessions is a wonderful way to partner with us. Here are some available sponsorship opportunities.

EventDonation Frequency Sponsorship AmountImpact
WebinarOne-Time$100+For $100 you (or your company) will sponsor an entire webinar hosted and coordinated by Tabletop Alliance. We will utilize you logo in all promotional materials for the webinar and thank you during the program.
TrainingOne-Time$500+For $500 you or your company will be the sponsor of an entire training for a local education or community organization OR we will use these funds to present an educational session at an education or community based conference. We will share information about you or your company during the session and thank you during the program.
ConferenceOne-Time$1,500+The major experience for the year that we are working towards is an annual conference. For $1,500 we will have you listed as a “Conference Sponsor” on all Annual Conference promotional materials (both printed and online), provide a piece of digital promotional material from you to all conference attendees, thank you during the conference, have your logo on the website in recognition during the entire fiscal year, and more depending on . Please reach out to us if interested as there are many possibilities.

To sponsor any of the above or other area of Tabletop Alliance we ask that you please contact us by emailing

Notice: Tabletop Alliance is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation and gladly provides tax receipts for all donations. However, as with all financial matters, you are encouraged to consult your accountant/advisors as we cannot provide you with any determinations regarding your personal and/or organization’s financial outcomes from decisions.