Let the (Board) Games Begin: Creative Ways to Enhance Teaching and Learning


Nancy B. Sardonea and Roberta Devlin-Scherer


Gaming, in its many forms, is becoming a more active force in classrooms. To prepare preservice
candidates for this trend, one teacher education program asked candidates (n = 60) to develop
games in varied curricular fields tied to curriculum standards. This article describes the development of a model game, assignment requirements, provides a content review of eight games (geography and novels), their features, and highlights benefits and lessons learned from this experience.

Video Summary:


Sardonw, N. B., Devlin-Scherer, R. (2016). Let the (Board) games begin: Creative ways to enhance teaching and learning. The Clearing House, 89(6). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00098655/2016.1214473

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