Tug-of-War: Seeking help while playing an education card game


Osvaldo Jiménez, Ugochi Acholonu, & Dylan Arena


This chapter examines motivational aspects that cause students to play educational games and learn their featured content, with particular emphasis on a card game called Tug-of-War. It begins with an overview of help-seeking in technical environments before turning to a discussion of an initial way to measure motivation to learn: by focusing on the type and amount of help students seek from others in the classroom while playing the game. It then describes the design and development of Tug-of-War and how it has improved learning outcomes with respect to traditional academic measures.

Video Summary: Coming soon


Jiménez, O., Acholonu, U., & Arena, D. (2014). Tug-of-War: Seeking help while playing an education card game. In F. C. Blumberg (Ed.), Learning by playing: Video gaming in education (pp. 232–245). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Link – https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780199896646.001.0001/acprof-9780199896646-chapter-16